Lonely city
ART, ARTWORK, BLOG, JOHN MICHAEL GILL, MIXED MEDIA, MUSIC, PHOTOGRAPHYJohn Michael GillJohn Michael Gill, John Michael Gill Journal, Seattle, photography, john michael gill, Art, Running away into you, John Gill, John Michael Gill film, Music, My Bag., John Michael Gill Blog, Jmgtv, Color, Downtown, nude, washington, video, Don't Let me Down, Fool on the hill, beats, Less Than Zero L.A., street art, animation, Life, Perception, style, Art of The Day, The Boy Who Dreams, Classic Album, Old Folks, Style, mixed media, documentary, solitude, A New Hope, washignton, John Michael Gill Photos, Human Rights, Animation, residency, Journal, Reality, Seattle Alternative Art Scene, johnmichaelgill.com, Graffiti, Death, GILL, John Michael Gill Design, Painting, Isolation, Spray Paint
John Michael GillJohn Michael Gill Blog, John Gill, John Michael Gill Store, John Michael Gill, California, artwork, Painting, GILL, Print, Style, Blog, Products, John Michael Gill Merchandise, Shirts, Poster, printmaking, L.A., Art, Escapism
Serial Killer
July 8th
Installation Part 2
ARTWORK, BLOG, MIXED MEDIA, PAINTINGJohn Michael GillJohn Michael Gill, Blog, Art, Painting, Mural, Walls, Isolation, John Lennon